
N China province opens direct cargo route to Taiwan

時(shí)間:2012-06-06 08:17   來(lái)源:Xinhua

SHIJIAZHUANG -- North China's Hebei Province opened the first direct cargo route to Taiwan on Tuesday, with a ship loaded with 36,000 tonnes of coal leaving Qinghuadao Port for Taiwan.

The Wuxing 6 cargo ship left Qinghuadao Port, China's largest coal transfer port, for the Taitung and Kaohsiung ports in Taiwan at about 11 a.m., marking the first cargo shipment between Hebei and Taiwan.

The Wuxing 6 belongs to the Qinghuangdao Wuxing Shipping Company and received approval from the mainland's Transport Ministry in April to sail to Taiwan.




沅陵县| 称多县| 彭泽县| 文昌市| 会宁县| 棋牌| 天全县| 凤阳县| 富锦市| 梅州市| 巴马| 措勤县| 阳谷县| 航空| 邻水| 马尔康县| 花垣县| 衢州市| 台山市| 沾益县| 定西市| 双城市| 肇源县| 霍山县| 安仁县| 四平市| 石河子市| 绥江县| 大方县| 南和县| 新乡市| 曲阳县| 金门县| 高淳县| 瓮安县| 广安市| 乐安县| 汉阴县| 秦皇岛市| 和硕县|